
More Than Just a Board Retreat

Louder NonProfit Strategies, LLC was founded out of a concern that smaller organizations who lacked big budgets were missing out on the benefits of an outside facilitator to lead board orientations and strategy sessions. Recognizing that these organizations require more support than an “in and out” one day retreat, our proposals generally include the following: … Continue reading More Than Just a Board Retreat

Promoting Volunteer Success

No one volunteers because they want to do a bad job – yet it happens. How do you prevent it? First it helps to understand what motivates people to volunteer. A passion for your organization or mission, interest in accomplishing a specific goal, helping the organization, and making a difference in the community are the … Continue reading Promoting Volunteer Success

Chamber Pros Online Conference

I have something new and exciting to share with you. I am one of 16 presenters in the 2019 Chamber Pros Online Conference organized by Frank J. Kenny. My presentation is on Board Governance, but there are many other great topics and presenters, and I am so pleased to be presenting with some of the … Continue reading Chamber Pros Online Conference

Leadership Resources

In preparation for teaching Unleash the Leader Within at the Northeast Institute for Organization Management, I reread a number of my favorite leadership books and asked friends and colleagues for their suggestions. The resulting list can be found at Favorite Leadership Books and Articles. What are your favorite books and articles on Leadership?  

Louder NonProfit Strategies Introduced

When I was in graduate school, I had the pleasure of taking a few classes with a talented chamber executive, Bill Hanbury. Several of us who were studying community development were talking one day about what one could do in that field, and Bill volunteered that chambers of commerce were a great place to make … Continue reading Louder NonProfit Strategies Introduced